Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities"> Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities">
| ![]() D O E -S T D -1071-94 A tickler file system is one method which may be used to ensure that
specific storage control instructions are followed.
The system may be either manual (similar to a card file) or
The tickler file should be organized by months of the year.
Specific storage control instructions for individual items should be
entered into the tickler file system by designated personnel. These
instructions should be entered separately (either as a separate card
or computer entry) and put in the appropriate month that the
activity is to take place. As a minimum, additional information, such
as part number, P.O. number, item description, and RECID should
be included. (See Appendix C for examples.)
Designated personnel should ensure that the particular storage
control activities for the month are completed. (This may require
assistance from other departments for activities such as rotating
motors and functional tests.)
Designated personnel should review the tickler file entries on a
monthly basis for upcoming activities, e.g., 60-90 days. This review
is in addition to the review and completion of storage control
instructions for the particular month. This review is to ensure
proper planning for certain activities and advance notification for
assistance from other departments.
Retrieval and Issuance A system should exist to ensure that items are identified and stored to
facilitate ready retrieval upon approved request. Items should be selectively and judiciously controlled, on the basis of their
risk to safety and/or importance to reliable operations, during the interval
between stores issue and installation to ensure intended traceability and/or
integrity is not violated prior to installation. Safety Class Items and other controlled items to be issued ONLY to
individuals on authorized requester lists should be clearly defined in
applicable documents.
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