Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities"> Material Receipt, Inspection, Handling, Storage, Retrieval, and Issuance at DOE Nuclear Facilities">
| D O E -S T D -1071-94
Machined surfaces are left adequately protected
Applicable insect and rodent controls are in effect
Applicable shelf-life conditions are in effect
Carcinogens segregated from other materials and equipment
Re-order/restocking is clearly indicated A system should exist which ensures that Material Safety Data Sheets record
identification (MSDS RECID) are readily accessible to the user. The process where regulatory requirements regarding storage and disposal of
materials should be regularly verified to ensure compliance status. When established, automatic reorder/restock criteria should be implemented. Reorder/restock quantities should be reviewed and adjusted on the basis of;
Usage (historical and projected)
Value-added or other established criteria A shelf-life program should be developed which applies to items stored in
warehouses and plants prior to end use. Shelf-life requirements should be
specified for (but not limited to) the following types of items:
rubber components
silicon sealants
certain paints
photosensitive chart paper
photographic material
certain pre-lubed bearings
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