| ![]() DOE-STD-1075-94 Applicable Standards. Following each Discussion section, the author
should list the standards that provide endorsed methods for implementing some or
all of the requirements discussed in the previous "Discussion" section. The
standards listed may include Government and non-Government standards, as well
as those developed and issued as part of the DOE Technical Standards Program.
The use of previously developed standards is encouraged as a means to develop
more consistent programs and reduce the costs associated with new standards
development. The author may tailor the endorsement of the standards by indicating
any exceptions or additions to the information in the standards or by pointing out the
specific parts of each listed standard that contain acceptable principles, practices,
and approaches.
Standards should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The format of
the standards referenced should adhere to the GPO style manual. In some cases, it
may be more appropriate to provide the applicable standards in a single combined
list at the end of the body of the document or in an appendix rather than in separate
lists following each Discussion section. Supplemental Guidance Documents. A list of supplemental guidance
documents containing pertinent information may be included following the Applicable
Standards section (or following the Discussion section if an Applicable Standards
section is not included). Whenever practical, specific citations should be made to
applicable sections, paragraphs, tables, or figures within the listed supplemental
guidance documents. The author should also indicate the degree to which their use
is endorsed.
The titles of the supplemental guidance documents should be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals. The format of the citations should adhere to the
GPO style manual.
In some cases, it may be more appropriate to provide the list of applicable guidance
documents in a single combined list at the end of the guide rather than in separate
lists within each section of the guide.
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