| ![]() DOE-STD-1077-94
the reader can clearly understand the duties and responsibilities for a person in that
7.5 Accreditation Review Team Evaluation. Upon receipt of the CSER, the TAP Staff
Manager appoints an Accreditation Review Team Manager (TM) to coordinate and conduct
an on-site program review. A team for a program review consists of peer evaluators from
around the DOE Complex and personnel from the TAP Staff. The team possesses
technical expertise in the program(s) being evaluated, as well as expertise in training,
instructional processes, and training evaluation. During the review, the team evaluates
whether the training program meets the intent of each accreditation objective. Cognizant
Secretarial Office (CSO), Operations Office, and Accrediting Board personnel may
participate in the evaluation as observers.
The TM develops supplemental sections to the CSER clarifying the ART's findings
during and after the on-site visit. These supplemental sections contain problem
statements, conclusions, and recommendations for improvement. The TM returns the
CSER with the supplemental sections to the contractor. A copy of the report is forwarded
to EH-1, the CSO, and the Operations Office. The contractor prepares written responses
to the supplemental sections that provide clarification or describe corrective actions taken.
The responses are incorporated into the CSER, which is then submitted to the Operations
Office for approval. The approved amended CSER is returned to the TAP Staff Manager.
The TAP Staff Manager submits the CSER directly to the Accrediting Board when both the
TM and the contractor's management agree that the program is ready.
7.6 Accrediting Board Decision. An Accrediting Board consists of five members with
combined expertise in nuclear facility and/or reactor operations, non-nuclear industrial
training, instructional processes, and educational accreditation. Alternate members are
selected to facilitate the scheduling of meetings.
Senior DOE Operations Office and contractor line management representatives and the
TM are present at the Board meeting to answer questions and describe the current status
of training programs prior to the Board's deliberations. Cognizant Secretarial Office
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