| DOE-STD-1077-94
The contractor performs a followup self-evaluation using the methods outlined in
Section 11 to confirm that all the actions specified in the TPAP have been completed.
When the followup self-evaluation is completed, the contractor prepares a CSER that
documents the findings and includes specific corrective actions that are being implemented
to correct any noted deficiencies.
Development of the CSER is not intended to be an exercise in writing; it is an
opportunity to document the findings resulting from the followup self-evaluation. It is a
record of how the training program stacks up against the accreditation objectives and
criteria. The following general guidelines apply to the development, review, approval, and
submittal of CSERs:
Write the CSER for the intended audience, the Accrediting Board. Assume that
the Board members know little about the facility, its processes, or the products
produced. Avoid "jargon," acronyms, or other language that requires a working
knowledge of the facility.
Be concise in all descriptions. Do not fail to include deficiencies or imbed them in
voluminous text. If there is a problem, state the problem clearly and concisely. If
a resolution to a problem is in progress, state what it is, describe the progress that
is being made, and state the anticipated completion date. Likewise, if there are
noted strengths, describe them.
Allow sufficient time for the CSER to be thoroughly reviewed by training and line
management and the appropriate DOE Operations Office oversight personnel. The
people who concur and approve the document are those who appear before the
Board to explain the program and answer questions. They must have an in-depth
knowledge of the document and its findings.
d. Keep the DOE Operations Office counterparts informed of the training program
implementation progress. There should be no surprises for the Operations Office
oversight and monitoring personnel when they review the CSER.
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