| DOE-STD-1077-94
Verification analysis;
Document or procedure analysis;
Table-top methods using nominal group techniques and consensus decision-
making; and
More detailed task analysis methods.
The task/content analysis is usually conducted in conjunction with the design and
development phases and results in job knowledge and skill requirements being incorporated
directly into terminal and/or enabling objectives.
5.2 Design. During the design process, the overall direction and desired outcomes of
the training program are determined. Terminal objectives are developed using the data
obtained during the analysis phase. Additionally, training/evaluation standards are
developed to provide guidance for on-the-job training. The skills and knowledge identified
in the task analysis process are translated into enabling objectives. These are organized
into instructional units and sequenced to aid the learning process. The objectives form the
"blueprint" which guides the development of all training materials, tests, and delivery
strategies. Additional activities during the design process include development of a
program description, test items, and examinations.
5.3 Development. All materials produced during the development process are based
on the training program's design. The development of lesson plans and guides, training
aids, and student materials is also completed during development. Development of
additional enabling objectives, test items, rewording of objectives, etc., may also occur
during this process. Both technical and instructional reviews of the products of program
development are conducted. Recommendations are incorporated as necessary to assure
that program content is both technically and educationally sound. All of the materials
developed in this process should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate line
manager (e.g., Operations Manager for operator programs, Maintenance Manager for
maintenance programs).
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