| ![]() DOE-STD-1077-94
13.1.3 Table of Contents. A table of contents page follows the title page and
contains only enough information to enable the reviewer to find major sections (e.g.,
where each objective begins) of the CSER.
13.1.4 Facility Description and Mission. This section describes the primary and any
secondary facility functions. Additionally, factors that relate to the training program, such
as the facility size (number of people, buildings, acreage, etc. ) are included, along with a
brief overview of the facility's operational record (number of years in operation, any non-
classified productivity figures, facility safety records, etc.). This section is limited to one
page in length.
13.1.5 Management Organization. Begin with the most senior line manager (e.g., the
Facility Manager) and identify those managers in the line organization who have direct
involvement and oversight of the training. Also describe the Training organization and
outline its reporting relationship to the line organization and the Facility Manager (or
equivalent position). Include a brief description of each position responsibility within the
training program. Ensure that the descriptions pertain to the training program being
Include a current organization chart which identifies all individuals who have
responsibilities associated with the training program. Names and titles should be used.
13.1.6 Program Description. The following general guidance applies to developing the
Program Description:
Brief Overview - In one or two paragraphs, describe the overall training program
(what the objectives are, how the program is designed, and how it is implemented
to meet the objectives), the facility positions that are included, any progression
steps, etc. If the program has distinctly different training phases, include this
information for each phase.
Prerequisites - Describe the typical entry level trainee; outline the training,
education, and experience they are required to have prior to entering the program.
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