| DOE-STD-1077-94
The following general guidance applies to the contractor responses regarding training
program compliance to the objectives and criteria:
Format - Begin the descriptions for each objective and its criteria on a new page.
Limit individual criterion descriptions to a single page. All continuation pages for
the objective are formatted like the first page with the word (continued) following
the objective number.
Write a response for each criterion. If a criterion does not apply, state that it does
not apply and why. Where existing procedures or policy pertain to a criterion,
write a brief response that outlines the applicable procedure or policy, describes
how it is implemented, and reference the document.
Appendix B to this Standard contains portions of a sample CSER, including example
responses to the objectives and criteria. These are provided as a reference only and are
not to be interpreted as another requirement. Contact the TAP staff for additional
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