| DOE-STD-1077-94
opportunity for the facility's respective line organizations and training staff to work
together to establish the strengths and weaknesses of the existing program(s). The
findings of this self-evaluation are formally documented as a series of strength and
weakness statements for each of the objectives and criteria. All other accreditation
activities associated with that training program stem from this evaluation, including
providing the basis for the document outlining the actions and funding required to bring the
program into compliance with the accreditation requirements. Guidelines for the conduct
of the initial self-evaluation are found in Section 11 of this Standard.
7.3 Training Program Accreditation Plan. Following the initial self-evaluation, and
using the self-evaluation findings as a guide, the contractor prepares and submits a
Training Program Accreditation Plan (TPAP). The TPAP documents an implementation
schedule which includes the program labor and facility needs required to correct the
weaknesses found in the initial self-evaluation. Implementation schedules for training
program accreditation are prioritized so that those training programs with the greatest
impact on facility safety and operability are accredited first. The TPAP shall be formally
approved by the contractor line management, the DOE Operations Office, and the
cognizant Secretarial Office. Guidance for the development of this plan is found in Section
12 of this Standard.
The TPAP also includes a justification for program exceptions, as applicable, from
accreditation. Section 9 of this Standard provides guidance regarding the preparation and
submittal of requests for program exceptions from the requirements of DOE Order
5480.18B, "Nuclear Facility Training Accreditation Program."
7.4 Contractor Self-Evaluation Report. When the improvements identified in the
TPAP near completion, a second self-evaluation of the training program against the
Training Accreditation Program Objectives and Criteria is performed. A Contractor
Self-Evaluation Report (CSER) is prepared on the basis of this evaluation. The CSER
documents the findings of the second self-evaluation for use by the Accreditation Review
Team (ART) during an on-site, independent evaluation. The CSER is the mechanism which
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