| ![]() DOE-STD-1082-94
representatives to initiate a separate and expeditious review of the exemption
Typically, DOE nuclear safety requirements state that implementation plans are
considered approved 180 (or 90 days) days after submittal, unless they are
approved or rejected by DOE at an earlier date. This does not apply to
exemptions. Approval of implementation plans containing requests for
exemption are conditional pending approval of the exemption request. If the
exemption requests are subsequently disapproved, the implementing
organization shall amend the implementation plan and submit the revised plan
for approval within the time period specified in the letter transmitting the
disapproval determination. If no time period is specified, the implementing
organization shall revise and submit the implementation plan for approval within
90 days of receipt of the rejection of the exemption request.
Conditional approval of an implementation plan does not constitute or imply
approval of the exemptions contained therein.
5.2 Distribution of Copies of the Final Implementation Plan. The
Operations Office Manager is responsible for distributing approved plans to the
implementing organization (if changed from the originally submittal plan), the
Office of the Docketing Clerk (in the Office of Enforcement) in the Office of
Environment, Safety, and Health and to the affected CSOs. Copies of approved
plans transmitted to the Office of Docketing Clerk shall include both a hard cover
copy and a software copy. The software copy shall be in IBM compatible
Wordperfect version 5.1 or above or in an ASCII file. As required by 10 CFR
Part 820, the Office of the Docketing Clerk will maintain a file of enforceable
actions based upon rule violations and noncompliance with implementation
5.3 Review Responsibilities. The Review Team shall determine if the
implementation plan provides an acceptable method to meet the requirements in
accordance with the direction provided by the Working Group in the
Implementation Plan Guide. The Review Team shall also determine if the plan
adequately addresses the elements discussed in Section 3 of this technical
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