| DOE-STD-1083-95
Officers. In such cases, the approvals and concurrences shall be coordinated by the Manager of
the Operations Office.
3.7 Approvals and Rejections. The approving Secretarial Officer may approve or reject a
request for an exemption or return it to the contractor with written directions on how to change it to
make it acceptable. Alternatively, the approving Secretarial Officer may modify the request in
consultation with the contractor and approve a modified exemption. In such cases, the change
shall be fully documented and justified in the approval letter. In addition, an exemption may
contain appropriate terms and conditions as discussed in 10 CFR Part 820.64, "Terms and
Conditions." Those provisions include, but are not limited to provisions which:
(a) limit its duration;
(b) require alternative action;
(c) require partial compliance; or
(d) establish a schedule for full or partial compliance.
Exemptions which are granted for a limited duration are temporary exemptions.
In the event that DOE rejects a request for exemption, it is incumbent upon DOE to (1) ensure that
sufficient funding has been or will be provided for the contractor to perform reasonable actions to
comply with the requirements or (2) direct the contractor to cease or curtail operations so that
compliance can be achieved within current funding.
3.8 Delegation. 10 CFR Part 820.61 states that the authority to grant an exemption may
not be delegated.
3.9 Documentation. In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 820.63,
"Procedures," the approving Secretarial Officer shall submit copies of all exemption decisions to
the Office of the Docketing Clerk in the Office of Environment, Safety and Health. The Office of the
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