| DOE-STD-1083-95
Would be authorized by law;
Would not present an undue risk to public health and safety, the environment,
or facility workers;
Would be consistent with safe operation of a DOE nuclear facility; and
Involves special circumstances, including the following:
Application of the requirement in the particular circumstances
conflicts with other requirements; or
Application of the requirement in the particular circumstances
would not serve or is not necessary to achieve its underlying
purpose, or would result in resource impacts which are not
justified by the safety improvements; or
Application of the requirement would result in a situation
significantly different than that contemplated when the
requirement was adopted, or that is significantly different from
that encountered by others similarly situated; or
The exemption would result in benefit to human health and
safety that compensates for any detriment that may result from
the grant of the exemption; or
Circumstances exist which would justify temporary relief from
application of the requirement while taking good faith action to
achieve compliance; or
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