| ![]() DOE-STD-1091-96
All exercises shall be governed by a plan that specifically addresses safety issues
while remaining consistent with realistic training.
All exercises and related activities shall be regulated by controllers under the
supervision of a senior controller who shall have final authority. The senior controller
shall signal the beginning and end of the exercises and shall guide and supervise the
other controllers.
The senior controller or his or her representative shall conduct pre-exercise briefings
to discuss the exercise and to ensure a clear understanding of safety procedures and
requirements. Post-exercise briefings of both participants and bystanders shall
include a safety recap.
An exercise plan shall be approved by a safety representative designated by the
manager of the organization responsible for the exercise. For each force-on-force
training exercise, all participants, safety representatives, or controllers shall have the
authority to stop an activity if in their opinion unsafe conditions develop.
Individuals with live firearms (shadow force) in an operational area where an
exercise is to be conducted must be under the continuous and direct supervision of a
controller who preferably is a protective force supervisor. This controller must be
knowledgeable of security requirements to ensure that the members of the shadow
force understand their roles and do not become involved in the exercise.
Management of facilities/buildings involved in exercises must be informed of ex-
ercises in advance. The cognizant DOE official, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and
local law enforcement officials shall be notified of pending exercises as appropriate.
During exercises, in the event of an unscheduled security alarm, the exercise
controller shall suspend the exercise and release the shadow force to respond to the
alarm. The exercise will not resume until the members of the shadow force are out of
the exercise area.
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