| ![]() DOE-STD-1091-96
firearm in the teaching environment; range safety procedures and
demonstration of safe firing techniques on the range; dry firing techniques
and hazards associated with dry firing; handling of misfires; as applicable,
instructions on the hazards associated with the impact of bullets and other
projectiles on nuclear explosives, nuclear weapons, explosives, and other
possible items that could result in a significant release of energy or toxic
substances; detailed procedures on clearing, handling of malfunctions, in-
specting, cleaning, loading, unloading, and other specific tasks related to
each firearm for which the student receives training. This may include in-
struction and practice in assembly/disassembly but shall not include repair,
modification, or replacement of parts; and, details of firearms accidents and
how they could have been prevented.
Four General Firearms Safety Rules: all firearms are always loaded; never
point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy; keep your finger off
the trigger until your sights are on the target; and, be sure of your target.
The Office of Safeguards and Security, with the assistance of impacted
Headquarters and Operations Offices, shall publish standard DOE training
programs for firearms being used at the various sites. Such training programs
shall contain attachments of specific site developed firing range and on-duty
(off-duty when applicable) safety information and shall incorporate those
sections of the manufacturer's operating manuals that are necessary for the
safe operation, inspection, and maintenance of specific firearms.
During firearms training, all personnel shall have access to an instruction man-
ual for each type of firearm with which they may be armed while on duty and
shall demonstrate both technical and practical knowledge of the contents of
the manual governing the safe use of that firearm.
Training records for personnel authorized to carry firearms shall be available
for review by appropriate safety and security personnel.
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