| ![]() DOE-STD-1091-96
greater than 10 degrees. An exception shall be for special response
team (SRT) courses developed by the CTA and approved by Office of
Security Affairs and conducted by the CTA or by sites certified to conduct
CTA SRT courses. The ratio for these excepted courses shall be no
greater than one-to-four.
(b) One-to-four for re-qualification with a submachine gun, rifle, or machine
gun in automatic mode using controlled bursts of fire and for practice or
training for personnel who have qualified in at least one automatic course
of fire in the DOE Firearms Qualification Manual.
(c) One-to-eight when firing in the semiautomatic mode (e.g., automatic rifle
in semiautomatic mode, shotgun, semiautomatic rifle, and handgun),
except during night firing and initial raining where the
instructor-to-shooter ratio shall be no greater than one-to-four. When
using an indoor range, whether daylight or simulated night fire, the in-
structor-to-shooter ratio shall be on greater than one-to-five.
A range safety officer or an instructor with specific delineated responsibilities
for range safety (e.g., monitoring the safety performance of the shooters as
well as overall safety of the firing range) shall be present during all firearms
training activities, qualification, or re-qualification activities.
When the shooter-to-instructor ratio requires only one instructor on the firing
line, he or she shall be the lead instructor and may be assigned range safety
responsibilities if approved by the range master.
When the shooter-to-instructor ratio requires two or more instructors on the
firing line, there shall be a lead instructor presiding over the firing activities
(i.e., "calling the line") who will not be assigned additional instructional duties
or be included in the shooter-to-instructor ratio, but may be assigned range
safety responsibilities. To accomplish these activities, the lead instructor
may be positioned either behind the firing
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