| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Health Support Operations
June 2004
In addition to the requirements of Article 551, contamination monitoring programs should be established to ensure
that surveys are performed at a frequency that is consistent with the existing and potential hazards and activities
planned in the area. The following survey frequencies are suggested and should be modified as necessary to
ensure area hazards are adequately characterized, based upon facility-specific experience:
Prior to transfer of equipment and material from one radiological buffer area established for contamination
control to another, unless the material was monitored immediately prior to this transfer, such as upon removal
from a contamination area
Prior to transfer of equipment and material from high contamination areas within radiological buffer areas
unless precautions such as bagging or wrapping are taken prior to transfer
Daily, at contamination area control points, change areas, or step-off pads when in use, or per shift in high use
Daily, in office space located in radiological buffer areas
Daily, in lunch rooms or eating areas near radiological buffer areas
Daily in accessible areas where operations are under way that are likely to produce hot particles
Weekly, in routinely occupied radiological buffer areas
Weekly, or upon entry if entries are less frequent, in contamination areas and other areas where materials
having removable contamination exceeding the Table 2-2 values are handled or stored
Weekly, or upon entry if entries are less frequent, where contamination area boundaries or postings are
During initial entry into a known or suspected contamination area, periodically during work, at completion of
job, or as specified in a radiological work permit
Monthly , in and around areas of fixed contamination
After a leak or spill of radioactive materials.
Articles 421 and 422 provide requirements and guidance for material release surveys.
When radioactive material is received (other than gaseous or special form materials), contamination monitoring of
the received packages shall performed if:
The package is labeled in accordance with the applicable transportation requirements (e.g., Radioactive White
I or Yellow II or III label) [see 835.405(b)(1)]; or
The package has been transported as low specific activity material on an exclusive vehicle [see 835.405(b)(2)].
The external surfaces of all packages received from transportation should be monitored to determine the external
contamination level, unless the packaged materials are not capable of creating a contamination hazard (i.e., the
packages contain only gaseous or special form materials). These surveys are used to ensure compliance with
Department of Transportation regulations and applicable DOE Orders and to identify appropriate postings and
access control measures. These measures s hould be established as soon as practicable after receipt.
Monitoring shall also be performed when a received package of radioactive material shows evidence of degradation,
such as packages that are crushed, wet, or damaged [see 835.405(b)(3)], unless the packages contain only special
form or gaseous radioactive material.
Monitoring of received packages of radioactive material shall be performed as soon as practicable following receipt,
but not later than eight hours following the beginning of the working day following the receipt of the package [see
Contamination surveys should incorporate techniques to detect both removable and fixed contamination.
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