| DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Conduct of Radiological Work
June 2004
382 Control Procedures
Administrative control and procedural requirements shall be developed and implemented as necessary to
supplement facility design feature s, particularly when the design of existing facilities is not in accordance with
current standards [see 835.1001(b)]. Administrative control procedures include access control measures, RWPs,
and technical work documents as discussed in this Standard.
Written procedures shall be developed as necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Standard that
are derived from 10 CFR 835 [see 835.104]. These procedures shall be commensurate with the radiological hazards
created by the activity and t he education, training, and skills of the individuals who are exposed to these hazards
[see 835.104].
Written authorizations, including specific radiation protection measures, shall be required to control entry into and
work within radiological areas [see 835.501(d)]. These authorizations may include RWPs, technical work documents,
administrative procedures, and other administrative controls.
The combination of design features and administrative control procedures shall be sufficient to ensure that, during
routine operation, the Table 2-1 dose limits for general employees are met and to ensure doses are ALARA [see
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