| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
June 2004
already familiar, but should focus on applicable lessons learned and topics that will increase the students'
knowledge of radiological hazards and controls. Training shall also be provided to affected individuals when there
is a significant change to the radiological control program [see 835.901(e)]. Changes to the radiological control
program should be incorporated into the training program on a periodic basis.
Measures should be implemented to ensure that each individual's current training status can be assessed as
necessary to ensure appropriate job assignments and to permit effective entry control. Appropriate measures
include electronic databases or wallet-sized training certificates that identify current training status.
Site-specific training and refresher training should include changes in requirements and applicable updates of
lessons learned from operations and maintenance experience and occurrence reporting, for the site and across the
DOE complex.
Verification of the effectiveness of radiation safety training should be accomplished by surveying a limited subset
of former students in the workplace. This verification is in addition to performance evaluations routinely performed
by training departments. This evaluation should include observation of practical applications and discussions of
the course material and may include written examinations. The survey should be performed by radiological control
managers and supervisors, quality assurance personnel, or senior instructors after the former student has had the
opportunity to perform work for several months. The results should be documented and may be used to identify the
need for remedial training.
Training programs developed for radiation safety should meet the requirements for performance-based training.
Reading and comprehension skills in the English language are generally necessary for radiation safety training. The
radiological control manager is authorized to approve alternative measures for those lacking reading and
comprehension skills in the English language until adequate English language skills can be achieved. Training in an
alternate language should be equivalent to training in English. The alternative measures should be sufficient to
ensure that the affected individuals can respond appropriately to any audible or visible warnings that they may
encounter in the facility. Orientation and the use of trained escorts provide an alternate to training with the
concurrence of the radiological control manager.
Additional requirements for personnel training are established in DOE Order 5480.20A, Personnel Selection,
Qualification, Training and Staffing Requirements at DOE Reactor and Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities .
The site radiological control manager or designee should concur in radiation safety training material.
Requirements and guidance for training records and course documentation are provided in Article 725.
614 Instructor Training and Qualifications
All instructors should be qualified in accordance with the contractor's site Instructor Qualification Program or
possess equivalent qualifications.
Instructors should have the technical knowledge, experience, and instructional skills required to fulfill their assigned
Instructors -in-training should be monitored by a qualified instructor.
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