| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
June 2004
Hazard Controls Tailored to Work Being Performed - This Standard provides guidance for implementing a
program that establishes radiological controls that are commensurate with the hazards and that provide
flexibility for consideration of other hazards (e.g., industrial safety, industrial hygiene, environmental hazards).
The concepts of Balanced Priorities and Operations Authorization are outside the scope of this Standard.
Both the ISM and ALARA processes require hazard controls to be tailored to the work being performed. In addition
to establishing basic radiological safety standards that must be observed, 10 CFR 835 establishes requirements that
provide significant flexibility so that individual activities may implement compliance measures in a manner that is
commensurate with specific hazards and work activities. This Standard provides guidance for implementing
radiological controls that DOE has evaluated and found to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 835 and to be consistent
with the specified conditions and activ ities. For example:
Chapter 3 of this Standard provides guidance for implementing access and egress controls for areas having
specific radiological conditions and hazards.
Chapter 4 of this Standard provides guidance for implementing specific controls over radioactive materials.
Chapter 5 of this Standard provides guidance for performing radiological monitoring at specified frequencies
consistent with known and likely radiological hazards.
Chapter 6 of this Standard provides guidance for providing training to ensure that individuals are able to
discharge their responsibilities related to the radiological control program.
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