| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
June 2004
137 Neutron Exposures
Neutron exposures have the following characteristics that require attention:
The specific biological effects of neutrons are not as well understood as the effects of gamma exposure.
Neutron dose equivalent is more difficult to assess than gamma dose equivalent.
Article 131 provides guidance for setting goals to focus attention on controlling neutron exposure.
138 ALARA Committee
The ALARA process of managing radiation exposures is a fundamental requirement of every radiological control
program. An ALARA Committee provides a useful forum for reviewing radiological control plans and performance and
focusing management resources on radiological control issues.
An ALARA Committee should be established. The membership should include managers and workers from the line,
the technical support organization, and the radiological control organization. It is more effective if a line manager,
such as Director of Operations, Research, or Maintenance serves as the Chair. This Committee may be part of a
general safety or radiation safety committee whose functions include ALARA activities and possibly be combined
with other committees for smaller facilities.
The ALARA Committee should make recommendations to management to improve progress toward controlling
radiation exposure and radioactive releases. The Committee should evaluate it ems such as construction and design
of facilities and systems, planned major modifications or work activities, and experimental test plans for exposure,
waste, and release controls. The Committee should also receive, as a minimum, the results of all radio logical control
program assessments, both internal and external, and should review the overall conduct of the radiological control
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