| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radiological Health Support Operations
June 2004
PART 1 External Dosimetry
511 General Provisions
Personnel dosimetry shall be provided to and used by individuals as follows:
Radiological workers who are expected to receive from external sources an effective dose equivalent of 100
millirem or more in a year or a dose equivalent to the extremities, lens of the eye, or skin of 10 percent or more
of the corresponding limits specified in Table 2-1 [see 835.402(a)(1)]
Declared pregnant workers who are expected to receive from external sources a dose equivalent of 50 millirem
or more to the embryo/fetus during the gestation period [see 835.402(a)(2)]
Occupationally exposed minors likely to receive from external sources an exposure in excess of 50 millirem [see
Members of the public who enter the controlled area and are likely to receive an annual external deep dose
equivalent of 50 millirem or more in a year [see 835.402((a)(4)]
Individuals entering a high or very high radiation area [see 835.402(a)(5)].
Neutron dosimetry shall be provided when an individual is likely to exceed any of the criteria provided in Article
511.1 from neutrons [see 835.401(b)(2) and 835.402(a and b)].
Dosimeters should be issued only to individuals knowledgeable of their proper use and worn only by those to
whom the dosimeters were issued.
To minimize the number of individuals in the dosimetry program, DOE discourages the issuance of dosimeters to
individuals other than those entering areas where there is a likelihood of external exposure in excess of the
monitoring thresholds established in Article 511.1. Although issuing dosimeters to individuals who are not
occupationally exposed to radiation can appear to be a conservative practice, it creates the impression that the
wearers are occupationally exposed to radiation. Implementation of an unnecessarily broad dosimetry program is
not an acceptable substitute for development of a comprehensive workplace monitoring program.
Individuals should return dosimeters for processing as scheduled or upon request, and should be restricted by line
management from continued radiological work until dosimeters are returned.
Individuals should wear their primary dosimeters on the chest area, on or between the waist and the neck, or in the
manner prescribed by radiological control procedures or work authorizations.
Film dosimeters should not be worn or taken off-site unless specifically authorized by the radiological control
manager or designee.
DOE discourages t he practice of taking thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) off-site.
Individuals should not wear dosimeters issued by their resident facilities while being monitored by a dosimeter at
another facility unless authorized by the radiological control manager or designee. Individuals should not expose
their dosimeters to security X-ray devices, excessive heat, or medical sources of radiation.
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