| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
June 2004
PART 2 General Employee Radiological Training
Table 3-1 summarizes the requirements for those individuals who should receive General Employee Radiological Training.
621 Site Personnel
Individuals shall complete radiation safety training prior to unescorted access to controlled areas and prior to
receiving occupational radiation exposure during access to controlle d areas [see 835.901(a)]. This training shall
address the radiation safety training topics in Article 613.1 to the extent appropriate for the degree of exposure to
radiological hazards that may be encountered and the required controls [see 835.901(a)].
General Employee Radiological Training should include DOE's core course training materials, as applicable, and
should be expanded to include site-specific information, such as site-specific radiation types, alarm responses, and
Workers may challenge General Employee Radiological Training core knowledge requirements by passing a
comprehensive examination. If unsuccessful in one attempt, the entire General Employee Radiological Training
standardized core training should be completed. Challenges should not apply to the site-specific portions.
Additional training beyond General Employee Radiological Training should be required for unescorted entry into
radiological buffer areas or areas posted for radiological control other than controlled are as.
Information may be communicated by classroom lecture, videotape, or other appropriate methods.
In the alternate year when full training is not completed, the latest General Employee Radiological Training
Handbook (Student Guide) should be distributed for self-study.
If an escort is used in lieu of training, then the escort shall have completed the level of training required for the areas
to be entered and the work to be performed and shall ensure that the escorted individual complies with the radiation
protection program [see 835.901(e)].
622 Radiological Safety Training and Orientation for Members of the Public
Members of the public shall receive radiation safety training prior to being permitted unescorted access to
controlled areas [see 835.901(b)]. This training shall address the radiation safety training topics in Article 613.1 to
the extent appropriate for the degree of exposure to radiological hazards that may be encountered and the required
controls [see 835.901(a)].
DOE encourages its operating entities to continuously escort members of the public in the controlled area.
However, when members of the public are trained in accordance with Article 622.1, the following additional criteria
should be met prior to permitting unescorted access to controlled areas:
Prior approval by the radiological control manager
Appropriate limitations are established on the areas to be entered and the activities to be undertaken to
prevent occupational exposure
The individual receives enhanced training providing information commensurate with the areas to be entered
and activities to be undertaken while unescorted.
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