| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Training and Qualification
June 2004
PART 3 Radiological Worker Training
Table 3-1 summarizes the requirements for those individuals who should receive Radiological Worker Training.
631 General Provisions
Each individual shall demonstrate knowledge of the radiation safety training topics established in Article 613.1,
commensurate with the hazards in the area and required controls, by successful completion of an examination and
appropriate performance demonstrations prior to being permitted unescorted access to radiological areas and prior
to performing unescorted assignments as a radiological worker [see 835.901(b)]. Radiological Worker Training
should include the DOE's core course training materials, as applicable, and should be expanded to include site-
specific information.
Workers may challenge DOE's Radiological Worker I or II core knowledge requirements by passing a
comprehensive examination. If unsuccessful in one attempt, the entire standardized core Radiological Worker I or II
Training should be completed. Challenges should not apply to the site-specific portions.
Radiological Worker I Training is not a prerequisite for Radiological Worker II training.
Radiological Worker II Training includes all of the requirements of Radiological Worker I Training and expands on
the topic of hands-on work with radioactive materials. Radiological Worker II Training prepares the worker to deal
with higher levels of radiation and radioactive contamination.
Individuals with current Radiological Worker I Training may be upgraded to allow unescorted access to other areas
by completing only the additional training provided in Radiological Worker II Training.
In the alternate year when training is not performed, refresher training should be completed.
If an escort is used in lieu of training, then the escort shall have completed the level of training required for the areas
to be entered and the work to be performed and shall ensure that the escorted individual complies with the radiation
protection program [see 835.901(d)].
632 Radiological Worker I
Site-specific Radiological Worker I Training, including High/Very High Radiation Area Training (Article 632.3),
should encompass at a minimum the following practical factors:
Entering and exiting simulated radiological buffer areas and radiation areas (and high radiation areas when
such training is included)
Performance of frisking for personnel contamination, as applicable
Verification of instrument response and source check
Proper response to alarm situations.
Course length will vary dependent upon the amount of site-specific material.
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