| DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Radioactive Materials
June 2004
The requirements of 10 CFR 835.1101 apply only to material and equipment that is radioactive due to the deposition
of radioactive contamination. Although DOE has not established any specific controls over the release of other
radioactive materials (e.g., activated materials or materials that are naturally -radioactive) to controlled areas, the
release of these materials is subject to other requirements of 10 CFR 835. The following regulatory requirements
and guidance are applicable to the release of this type of material and equipment.
Controls shall be adequate to ensure compliance with the radiation safety training requirements of 10 CFR
835.901 [see 10 CFR 835.901]. Release of material and equipment to controlled areas may result in occupational
or non-occupational exposure of individuals to radiation. Chapter 6 provides guidance for implementing an
appropriate training program;
Controls shall be adequate to ensure compliance with the 100 millirem in a year controlled area maximum total
effective dose equivalent expectation [see 10 CFR 835.602]. DOE sites should adopt site- or facility-specific
criteria that will ensure t hat intrinsically -radioactive material and equipment that is released to the controlled
area, in combination with other sources of radiation in the controlled area, will not result in any individual
exceeding this dose expectation.
Controls shall be adequate to ensure the ALARA process is properly implemented [see 10 CFR 835.101 and
1001 - 1003]. Given the low levels of radioactivity that are likely to be present in material and equipment being
considered for release to controlled areas, the controls s hould not be burdensome. Options that should be
considered include retention in radiological areas, placement in specified areas with appropriate access
restrictions and usage controls, posting, labeling or color-coding, storage for decay, removal of radioactive
components, and disposal as radioactive waste.
When radioactive materials are moved outside of radiological areas, controls should be established to ensure no
unmonitored individual is likely to exceed a dose equivalent that would require monit oring in accordance with
Article 511 or 521.
Records for release of materials should describe the property, date of last survey, identity of the individual who
performed the survey, type and identification number of the survey instruments used, and survey results. For small
items and packages of similar items (such as boxes of tools or boxes of fasteners), it is not necessary to create a
separate survey record for each item. However, the survey record should provide traceability to the individual
remo ving the item from the radiological area.
422 Release to Uncontrolled Areas
DOE 5400.5 describes radiological criteria for releasing material to uncontrolled areas.
DOE 5400.5 provides guidance obtaining approvals on a case-by-case basis for rele asing material that has been
contaminated in depth or volume, such as activated material or smelted contaminated material.
The criteria for unrestricted release of materials established in DOE 5400.5 may be more stringent than those
established in this Standard for release to controlled areas.
Material not immediately released after survey should be controlled to prevent contamination while awaiting release.
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