| ![]() DOE-STD-1098-99
Radiological Control
Excellence in Radiological Control
June 2004
Wear personnel monitoring devices where required by radiological work permits, signs, procedures,
or by radiological control personnel. Report immediately the loss, damage, or unexpected exposure of
personnel monitoring devices or off-scale readings of self-reading dosimeters to the radiological
control organization.
Keep track of your radiation exposure status and avoid exceeding radiological administrative control
Wear personal protective equipment and clothing properly whenever required by radiological work
permits or postings.
Minimize the spread of potential radioactive spills and promptly notify the appropriate personnel of all
Avoid contact of skin, clothing, and equipment with contaminated surfaces.
Place contaminated tools, equipment, and solid waste items on disposable surfaces, such as plastic
sheets, when not in use.
Notify radiological control personnel of alarming or faulty radiological control equipment.
Notify radiological control personnel of off-site occupational radiation exposures so that worker
dosimetry records can be updated.
Assure t hat you are mentally alert and in physically sound condition.
Limit the amount of material taken into contaminated areas to minimize radioactive waste and future
Have necessary materials and equipment on hand to complete your task, t hereby minimizing time and
Notify radiological control personnel of the presence of open wounds, sores or rashes before entering
an area where contamination exists and exit immediately if a wound occurs while in such an area.
Properly remove personal protective equipment and clothing to minimize the spread of contamination.
Frisk or be frisked for contamination when entering an uncontaminated area after exiting
contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivit y areas and associated radiological buffer
areas and notify radiological control personnel when contamination is found.
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