| ![]() DOE-STD-1104-96
Safety and health assurance may be increased by standardizing the process of reviewing
and approving DSAs and TSRs. Although complete standardization of the process (e.g.,
standardized review plan) requires substantial commitments and is complicated by the
diversity of facility operations throughout the DOE complex, certain benefits are gained
by standardizing fundamental elements of the review and approval process. To that end,
the Standard establishes DOE guidelines for the review and approval of these
documents, including preparation of SERs, for nuclear facilities.
Guidance provided in this Standard is applicable to the review and approval of DSAs and
TSRs and revisions thereto, including required annual updates (i.e., 10 CFR 830 annual
updates), for existing nuclear facilities. Therefore, this Standard is appropriate for Hazard
Category 1, 2, or 3 facilities (classified in accordance with DOE-STD-1027 Change
Notice No. 1, "Hazard Categorization and Accident Analysis Techniques for Compliance
with DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports") that document their safety
basis in accordance with 10 CFR 830. For new facilities in which conceptual design or
construction activities are in progress, the review and approval process for the
Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis (PDSA) is much more focused on the adequacy
of the proposed design for safety and on confirming that construction is within approved
design in accordance with 10 CFR 830.206, "Preliminary documented safety analysis".
Provisions of this Standard may be applied to the process of reviewing and approving
PDSAs documenting conceptual and/or preliminary designs to the extent judged to be
The body of this Standard focuses on management of the review and approval process,
provides guidelines for establishing the basis of approval, and recommends a format and
content of SERs. Specific review guidelines that are technical in nature are more
appropriately addressed individually by subject matter and require more detailed
guidance and discussion. Therefore, the body provides general guidelines as opposed to
a comprehensive list of technical safety criteria [e.g., standardized review plan (SRP)].
Thus, this Standard does not constitute a SRP in the same context as the SRP employed
by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
This Standard is applicable to government-owned, government-operated (GOGO)
facilities in which DOE performs the function of the facility contractor.
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