| ![]() DOE-STD-1111-98
6.7 Suspension
The DOELAP Administrator may suspend accreditation if a dosimetry or radiobioassay program is
found to be out of compliance with the terms of its accreditation. The program will be notified of the
reasons for and conditions of the suspension and actions to be taken by the program to have
accreditation reinstated.
6.8 Revocation
The DOELAP Administrator may revoke a program's accreditation if the program is found to have
violated the terms of its accreditation. The program will be notified of the reasons for the revocation.
The DOELAP will except a DOE or DOE contractor program from obtaining accreditation where either:
(1) there is no resident personnel dosimetry program, the reported external radiation doses are not
significant (typically less than 100 mrem), and either another DOELAP or a National Voluntary
Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited service is employed; or (2) it has been determined
by the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health that the personnel dosimetry or
radiobioassay program has demonstrated performance substantially equivalent to that of programs
accredited under DOELAP (10 CFR 835.402(b)(2) and 835.402(d)(2)).
A request for exception under condition (1) above shall provide at least the following information:
The name and address of the personnel dosimetry service provider. If the processor is NVLAP
accredited, a copy of the certificate shall also be provided;
The number of personnel participating in the dosimetry program and the number having a measurable
For the last five years, the range of occupational doses received by personnel, the average annual
external dose for all personnel monitored and those who had a measurable exposure;
A description of all applicable source terms;
A justification of the dosimeter selected (if applicable);
A description of the quality assurance program in effect;
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