| DOE-STD-1111-98
Concern. This is for any aspect of a program that is considered marginal with respect to compliance
with DOELAP criteria but does not adversely impact the quality of the applicant' program. One or
more concerns will not affect a program' accreditation; however, any concern not remediated by a
program' next accreditation cycle will automatically be elevated to a deficiency thereby preventing
the renewal of accreditation. A remedial action plan is required to be submitted through the
appropriate field organization to the PEPA within 45 days of the close-out meeting.
Deficiency. This is reserved for any aspect of a personnel dosimetry or radiobioassay program that
an assessment team believes prevents the program from functioning competently. A deficiency will
either suspend or revoke a current accreditation or suspend a new application for accreditation until
the deficiency has been remediated. A remedial action plan is required to be submitted through the
appropriate field organization to the PEPA within 45 days and should be corrected within 60 days of
the close-out meeting. Remediation may be confirmed by an assessment team.
6.3.5 Monitoring Visit. In addition to a regularly scheduled onsite assessment, assessors may be
assigned to make a monitoring visit at any time during an accreditation period. A monitoring visit
may occur for cause or on a random basis. It serves to verify reported changes to a facility or
operation or to explore any possible reason for poor performance during performance evaluation
testing. The scope of a visit may range from a spot check to a complete programmatic review.
6.4 Granting Accreditation
When a program's technical evaluation has been completed the PEPA prepares a recommendation for
the Oversight Board. The Oversight Board reviews the recommendation and proposes to the
DOELAP Administrator that accreditation be either granted or denied. A denial will be accompanied
by a description of the reasons for denial.
6.4.1 Partial Accreditation. A dosimetry or radiobioassay program may receive partial
accreditation if a system is demonstrated to be satisfactory for one or more subsets of the DOELAP
accreditation categories that were applied for. If a system did not satisfactorily demonstrate
compliance with the test criteria for a particular accreditation category subset and if a remedial action
plan was initiated by the program, then the accreditation process may continue for any other
requested accreditation category.
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