| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
Assignments also are made to avoid conflicts of interest, such as assessment by staff of a commercial
laboratory' competitor. The service laboratory is notified of the assignments and has the right to
appeal the assignment of an assessor to the Performance Evaluation Program Administrator. If the
service laboratory and the Performance Evaluation Program Administrator cannot agree on an
assessor, they may ask the Appeals Board (DOE-STD-1111-98) to resolve the difference. When the
assessors have been assigned, the Performance Evaluation Program Administrator contacts the
service laboratory to arrange a mutually agreeable date for the visit. The applicable DOE field office
is notified of the dates of the site visit. The time needed to conduct an on-site visit varies. A two-
person team typically will require a minimum of 2 to 3 days.
5.3.2 Assessors'Duties. The assessors shall perform the following activities:
Begin the visit by meeting with the management and the supervisory personnel
responsible for the radiobioassay activities for which accreditation is being sought. The
assessors acquaint management with the assessment process and set the agenda for the
Evaluate whether the radiobioassay laboratory is following the documented quality
assurance program.
Select and trace the history of a performance test sample from when it was received by
the service laboratory until the time the test results were reported (normally for indirect
radiobioassay only).
Review the performance testing results.
Examine records of the selected test samples.
Check sample or worker result identification and tracking procedures.
Determine if the samples are maintained in the appropriate environmental conditions.
Evaluate programmatic documentation such as procedures and management plans.
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