| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
Administrator through the appropriate DOE field office. To expedite the process, a designated
representative of the applying facility management should complete the application as
thoroughly as possible and sign it. The designated representative(s) should be familiar with all
DOELAP requirements. There may be a separate representative for each of the direct and
indirect radiobioassay programs. The representative reviews all documents and acts as liaison
between the radiobioassay laboratory and the Performance Evaluation Program Administrator.
Other staff members may be designated to perform specific activities (e.g., handling
proficiency testing or receiving assessors). However, only one designated individual should be
responsible for requesting a change in the scope or nature of the accreditation of a
radiobioassay type (either direct or indirect bioassay).
The application requires each DOE Contractor facility to indicate in which testing categories,
matrices and analytes accreditation is desired. The application is used to:
enroll the DOE/DOE contractor facility in the program;
determine the appropriate matrices and analytes for test categories desired for
determine the cognizant DOE Field Offices or Operations Office for which the
radiobioassay service laboratory provides services; and
select on-site assessors with the appropriate technical background.
Other uses for the application information are found in the DOELAP Administration Technical
Standard, DOE-STD-1111-98.
5.2.2 Performance Test Phase . Performance testing is the initial phase of the DOELAP
accreditation process. If DOE contractor-specific calibration factors and data-reduction
algorithms are used for routine evaluations, they shall also be used for the analyses of test
unknowns and shall be made available to the performance testing laboratory. ANSI N13.30-
1996 is used as the technical basis for performance testing. The recommendations contained in
ANSI N13.30 are briefly highlighted in this section for direct and indirect radiobioassay. Direct Radiobioassay. A DOE Contractor facility may choose to be accredited in one
or more of the categories or radionuclides shown in Table I. Accreditation in a category is
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