| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
1. The direct radiobioassay report includes the following items:
subject identification
date, time, and nature of examination
identification of radionuclide(s) for which the subject was analyzed and other radionuclides detected
identification of specific measurement procedures
quantification of the amount of radionuclide(s) (whether positive, negative or zero) of each radionuclide measured in each part of
the body counted
estimates of counting uncertainty and, if possible, the total propagated, uncertainty (which includes counting and other random and
systematic uncertainties at one sigma)
value of the Lc and a priori MDA, in units consistent with the results
the net count rate and standard error for measurements made for the purposes of screening only, and not for a quantitative
the value of the customer specified or service laboratory action level for prompt notification (this may be documented in the QA
plan and not appear in the report)
the make and model (or other unique identifier) of equipment used
the identification of the person responsible for the report.
2. The indirect radiobioassay report includes the following items:
sample identification, including:
1) assigned number
2) total volume or mass of sample submitted
3) reference date(s), and time(s) of sample collection and analysis
4) identification of radionuclide(s) for which the sample was analyzed and other radionuclides detected
5) kind of sample (urine, feces, etc.)
quantification of the amount of radionuclide(s) in the sample using the appropriate blank values, of radionuclide(s), whether
positive, negative, or zero
estimates of counting uncertainty and the total propagated uncertainty (which includes counting, other random and systematic
uncertainties) at one sigma
identification of specific measurement procedures
value of the Lc and a priori MDA in units consistent with the results
the value of the customer specified or service laboratory action level for prompt notification (this may be documented in the QA
plan and not appear in the report), and
make and model (or other unique identifier) of equipment used
the identification of the person responsible for the report.
1. The service laboratory retains, in retrievable form, records required by ANSI N13.30 for a minimum of 3 years or for a longer period
of time as specified by federal, state, local, or contractual requirements. These records include:
results of all quality control performance checks
results of quality assurance audits
radiobioassay equipment calibrations
procedures by which the measurements were made, (Direct) including generic methods and examples of calculations (or Indirect)
calculations and generic examples
all data used in the determination of the (Direct) person's (Indirect) sample results, including measurement spectra
training received
reported results (specified above in REPORTS, Direct and Indirect, as appropriate).
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