| ![]() DOE-STD-1112-98
This technical standard describes the U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program
(DOELAP) for Radiobioassay, for use by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE Contractor
radiobioassay programs. This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with the general
administrative technical standard that describes the overall DOELAP accreditation process - DOE-STD-
1111-98, Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditation Program Administration. This technical
standard pertains to radiobioassay service laboratories that provide either direct or indirect (in vivo or in
vitro) radiobioassay measurements in support of internal dosimetry programs at DOE facilities or for DOE
and DOE contractors. Similar technical standards have been developed for other DOELAP dosimetry
This program consists of providing an accreditation to DOE radiobioassay programs based on successful
completion of a performance-testing process and an on-site evaluation by technical experts. This standard
describes the technical requirements and processes specific to the DOELAP Radiobioassay Accreditation
Program as required by 10 CFR 835 and as specified generically in DOE-STD-1111-98.
The intent of this technical standard is to describe the program and procedures for obtaining accreditation
for DOE radiobioassay programs. It also describes the administration of the DOELAP for Radiobioassay
specific to the performance testing laboratory, and the process and criteria for the on-site assessment
To obtain accreditation, a radiobioassay program shall:
meet the test criteria, as modified (see Table I, footnote e and Table II, footnote c) by this
technical standard, described in ANSI N13.30 Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay
(ANSI 1996) for the applicable radiobioassay measurement procedures in use by the service
laboratory; and
pass an on-site assessment of the documentation, quality assurance, and technical adequacy
associated with an acceptable radiobioassay program.
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