| DOE-STD-1149-2002
acquisition documents. Construction projects also include those construction
activities performed in support of or as part of maintenance, manufacturing,
decontamination and decommissioning (refer to DOE-STD-1120-98), or
environmental restoration or remediation efforts (refer to Title 29 CFR 1926.14).
In cases where multiple solicitations are used to perform construction on or of a
facility, those services described within each solicitation shall be deemed a
project for the purposes of application of the construction safety and health
program requirements of this Standard.
which construction services to be procured are described and solicited. These
include the request for proposal or the invitation for bids, the plans and
specifications and other standards referenced therein, work orders, or other
requisitions for construction services.
CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT is the individual designated by the
construction contractor as responsible for the performance of all aspects of the
work described in the project documents including implementation of the project
safety and health program. He shall have full authority to act for the Construction
(g) CONSTRUCTION WORKSITE is the area within the geographic limits necessary
to perform the work described in the construction project acquisition documents.
It includes the facility being constructed or renovated along with all necessary
staging and storage areas as well as adjacent areas subject to project hazards. It
does not include offsite offices of design personnel nor the facilities of fabricators
or suppliers.
(h) HOST is the contractor or organization with the primary landlord responsibility at
a DOE sponsored facility.
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