| ![]() DOE-STD-1149-2002
analyses. The superintendent and other project supervisory staff shall also include
safety as part of their routine review of project operations.
The construction contractor shall take immediate corrective action to eliminate or
control all identified hazards. Newly identified hazards shall be appropriately
addressed in revised hazard analyses. In cases where immediate corrective action
is not possible or responsibility for abatement falls outside the scope of the
project, the construction contractor shall:
(a) Immediately ensure all affected employees are aware of the hazard and its
location and removed from harm's way. This may require partial or complete
suspension of construction operations.
(b) Immediately post warning signs at the location of the hazard describing the
nature of the hazard.
(c) Verbally notify the construction manager immediately of the location and
description of the hazard. This notification shall be followed up in writing.
(d) Implement further interim control measures, as needed, to protect employees
from the identified hazards and secure construction manager approval for
continued use of the employed measures.
(e) Where responsibility for abatement falls outside the project scope, the
construction contractor shall also immediately notify the authority responsible
for safety and health management in the affected facility.
All identified hazards and their respective corrective actions shall be documented
in project inspection reports. The responsibility and timetable for abating hazards
that were not immediately corrected shall also be similarly documented. Follow-
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