| DOE-STD-1151-2002
Machine guarding
Confined Spaces
Non-radiological respirator protection
Hoisting and rigging
4.10 A Facility Representative shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
Safety Authorization Basis, including the Documented Safety Analysis, Technical
Safety Requirements and Safety Evaluation Reports.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Explain the Department of Energy's role in the oversight of the Safety Authorization
Explain the application of 10CFR830 Subpart B and associated implementation
Guides and Standards
Define each of the Safety Authorization Basis related terms and explain their
relationship to each other:
Documented Safety Analysis (DSA).
Technical Safety Requirements (TSR): This should include Safety Limit, Limiting
Safety System Setting, Limiting Condition for Operation, and Administrative
Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) process.
Safety Evaluation Report (SER).
Safety System, Structure, or Component (safety SSC)
Defense in depth.
Describe how Safety Authorization Basis requirements are implemented in a facility.
Describe configuration control and its relationship to the Safety Authorization Basis.
Observe a contractor TSR surveillance activity and describe the factors to be
considered as the activity is planned and performed.
Conduct a facility walk through and identify all facility safety SSCs as well as defense
in depth SSCs or SSCs considered "important to safety".
4.11 A Facility Representative shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
training and qualification requirements for facility operations personnel.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the five elements of a systematic approach to training described in
DOE O 5480.20A.
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