| ![]() DOE-STD-1155-2002
considerations in the acquisition of supplies and services per 48 CFR Part 47.
23. Transportation and Traffic Management personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of 31 CFR and 41 CFR and related documents associated with tenders and
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Identify unallowable costs associated with contracts and transportation shipments.
Determine the contractual qualifications for selecting carriers to perform
transportation and traffic management movements.
Assist in negotiating tenders and contracts appropriate for transportation and traffic
management services.
Hazardous Materials
24. Transportation and Traffic Management personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the following Department of Energy (DOE) Directives and other
DOE O 460.1A, "Packaging and Transportation Safety"
DOE O 460.2, "Departmental Materials Transportation and Packaging
DOE M 460.2-1, "Radioactive Materials Transportation Practices Manual"
DOE O 461.1 "Packaging and Transfer or Transportation of Materials of National
Security Interest"
DOE O 470.1, "Safeguards and Security Program"
DOE O 414.1A, "Quality Assurance"
DOE G 1324.5B, "Guide for DOE 1324.5B Records Management"
DOE O 5632.1C, "Protection and Control of Safeguards and Security Interests"
DOE O 151.1A, "Comprehensive Emergency Management"
DOE O 471.2A, "Information Security Program"
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Explain how the above documents apply to the transportation and traffic
management operations within the Department of Energy, its sub-contractors and
25. Transportation and Traffic Management personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the following federal and international regulations associated with
hazardous material transportation:
49 CFR Parts 100-185
40 CFR, Parts 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 279, 302
10 CFR, Parts 71 & 73
IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, "Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Materials"
ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization "Technical Instructions for the Safe
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air"
IATA (industry requirement), International Air Transport Association, "Dangerous
Goods Regulations"
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