| DOE-STD-1156-2002
Given appropriate data, classify an area as either a "restricted area" or an
"unrestricted area" and state the reasons for the classification.
Discuss the requirements related to the exposure of individuals to radiation in
restricted areas, include any applicable dose limits.
Discuss the requirements related to the exposure of individuals to airborne
radioactive material; include any applicable precautionary measures and personal
monitoring requirements.
requirements for exceptions to the posting requirements.
Discuss the requirements for exemptions for radioactive materials packaged for
Discuss the requirements related to notification of incidents.
Compare and contrast the terms "non-ionizing radiation" and "ionizing radiation."
20. Environmental Compliance personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level of
knowledge of the purpose and requirements of DOE O 5400.5, Radiation Protection
of the Public and Environment.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
State the Department's policy and discuss the objectives regarding the protection of
the public and the environment from radiation as contained in DOE O 5400.5.
Define the following terms:
As low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
Best available technology (BAT)
Derived concentration guide (DCG)
Absorbed dose
Collective dose equivalent
Collective effective dose equivalent
Committed dose equivalent
Committed effective dose equivalent
Deep dose equivalent
Dose equivalent
Effective dose equivalent
Public dose
Weighting factor
Quality factor
Effluent monitoring
Environmental surveillance
Protective action guides
Release of property
Residual radioactive material
Settleable solids
Soil column
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