| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
Discuss the Safe Drinking Water Act permitting requirements.
Describe the aquifer protection (sole source) regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
k. Discuss the cross-connection identification/elimination and back-flow prevention regulations
described in the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Describe the groundwater protection requirements applicable to interim status Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act's (RCRA) facilities in RCRA's implementing regulations,
Subpart F of 40 CFR 265.
m. Describe the groundwater protection requirements applicable to permitted Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities in RCRA's implementing regulations, Subpart F of 40 CFR
264 and in the facility's permit.
n. Discuss the storm water management aspects of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Standard (NPDES).
o. Explain the spill prevention and control requirements of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 109-114).
33. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate the ability to appraise the contractor's
program(s) and/or permits to assess compliance with the requirements for the environmental
medium of water.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Given a proposed permit, verify that the Water Quality Criteria and Stream Use Classification as
identified in the Clean Water Act has been correctly applied.
b. Review the contractor's program for compliance with the Clean Water Act's reporting
c. During an assessment of an existing facility, verify that the pre-treatment standards contained in
the Clean Water Act are being met.
d. During an assessment of the contractor's sampling and monitoring program, verify that the
standards for maximum contaminant levels (primary and secondary) provided by the Safe
Drinking Water Act are being met.
e. Conduct an assessment of the contractor's program to verify that the Safe Drinking Water Act
provisions for notification to consumers have been established.
Perform an assessment of underground injection procedures and monitoring, and assess for
compliance with the restrictions and controls provided by the Safe Drinking Water Act.
g. Conduct an assessment to ensure the contractor's program is in compliance with the Standard
Methods for the examination of water and wastewater or other acceptable protocol as detailed in
40 CFR 136, Analytical Test Procedures.
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