| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
b. List and discuss the factors that must be considered pertaining to the release of materials and
equipment having residual radioactive material as outlined in Chapter IV of the order, Residual
Radioactive Material Cleanup.
c. Identify and discuss the concepts of Derived Concentration Guides and surface release criteria.
Project Management
23. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working knowledge of the purpose
and requirements of DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management related to environmental
restoration projects.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the purpose, scope, and application of the requirements detailed in DOE O 430.1A, Life
Cycle Asset Management.
b. Discuss the four basic actions to be performed prior to completion of mission activities or prior to
transfer or disposition to ensure that facility systems are placed in stable and known conditions
and that hazards are identified and known.
c. Discuss the process and requirements for disposition of physical assets, including the specific
requirements for contaminated facility disposition.
d. Using DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management, prepare an action plan which adequately
outlines interviews and observations, and details documents to review during an evaluation of
contractor compliance with the requirements of DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management.
e. Evaluate contractor compliance with the requirements of DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset
Management. During this evaluation, demonstrate the ability to properly conduct interviews,
observations, and document reviews.
Given data from an evaluation, analyze the results of the evaluation to determine contractor
compliance or noncompliance of the requirements.
24. Environmental restoration shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of financial
management necessary to integrate program resources and apply those resources to meet
project commitments as described in Department of Energy (DOE) Guide 430.1-1, Life Cycle
Asset Management.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Define the term "Work Breakdown Structure" and discuss the process for developing one.
b. Define and compare the terms "cost estimate" and "budget."
c. Describe the process for preparing cost estimates and budgets.
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