| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
d. Explain the following water treatment processes.
Ion exchange
pH adjustment
Solids handling
3. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of solving
problems involving probability and simple statistics.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. State the definition of the following statistical terms:
Standard deviation of the mean
Standard deviation
b. Explain the structure and function of distributions.
c. Calculate the mathematical mean of a given set of data.
d. Calculate the mathematical standard deviation of the mean of a given set of data.
e. Given the data, calculate the probability of an event.
Describe how measures of samples (i.e., measures of central tendency and variability) are used to
estimate population parameters through statistical inference.
g. Discuss Type I and Type II decision errors and the relationship to sampling and confidence
Hydrology, Geology, and Soil Science
4. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the basic
principles and concepts of hydrology, geology, and soil science.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. List the different soil textures (compositions) and soil structures.
b. Define humus and explain its role in chemical reactions in the soil.
c. Define erosion and describe the characteristics and effects of water and wind erosion.
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