| ![]() DOE-STD-1157-2002
h. Identify the stage(s) of the project in which the risk exists.
26. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
configuration management principles to satisfy the project's technical and operational
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the objectives of configuration management.
b. Describe the following elements of configuration management:
Configuration identification
Configuration control
Configuration recording and reporting
Waivers and deviations
c. Discuss the revision process for technical baselines over the life of a project, including an
explanation of each of the following terms:
Functional requirements baseline
Technical requirements baseline
27. Environmental restoration personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
principles of streamlining and maximizing cost-effectiveness.
Supporting knowledge and/or skills
a. Define and discuss the following terms:
early response action
problem statement
data needs
core team
expedited site characterization
b. Discuss what should precede the development of a sampling and analysis plan.
c. Discuss the composition and role of a core team for ER projects.
d. Discuss uncertainty, as it is associated with characterization, and the ways in which it can be
e. Discuss the importance of a concise problem statement for ER projects
Define the following terms:
Risk-Based Concentration (RBC)
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