| DOE-STD-1171-2003
Safeguards and security personnel shall demonstrate the ability to apply problem
analysis techniques necessary to identify problems, determine potential causes of
problems, and identify corrective action.
Supporting Knowledge and Skills
Given event and occurrence data, apply problem analysis techniques and identify
the problems and how they might have been avoided.
Participate in a Type A, B, or C investigation.
Participate in a contractor or DOE problem analysis and critique the findings and
Using data, interpret two fault tree analyses.
Safeguards and security personnel shall demonstrate the ability to trend
contractor performance related to safeguards and security in accordance with the
following Department of Energy directives:
DOE O 210.1, Performance Indicator and Analysis of Operations Information
DOE O 231.1, Environmental, Safety, and Health Reporting
DOE M 231.1-1, Environmental, Safety, and Health Reporting Manual
Supporting Knowledge and Skills
Discuss the key processes used in trending and analysis of safeguards and
security information.
Using an actual list of performance indicators, e.g., security infractions/violations,
property loss, inventory deficiencies, determine what type of assessments should
be performed and in what areas.
Given a set of incident/occurrence report data for a specified period, analyze the
information for safeguards and security performance, trends, or compliance
Safeguards and security personnel shall demonstrate the ability to assess the
contractor's ability to develop program plans in accordance with DOE O 470.1,
Safeguards and Security Program.
Supporting Knowledge and Skills
Assess the contractor's Site Safeguards and Security Plan for inclusion of site-
wide Master Safeguards and Security Agreements, Facility Descriptions and
Operational Plans, and Resource Plans.
Assess the contractor's facility descriptions and operational plans to ensure that
the plans describe the site protection strategies, facility protection systems, and
programs currently in place.
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