| DOE-STD-1172-2003
Identify the specific records that must be maintained and the requirements for
maintaining these records to document the development of safety system
Review a development project for safety system software. Explain how the
functional interfaces between components and the system level design were
established and controlled.
Safety Software Quality Assurance personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the relationships between the problems being addressed by safety
analysis and design codes, the design requirements for the codes, and the
components of the codes.
Supporting Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Identify how functional requirements and applicability of safety analysis and
design computer codes are defined, documented, and controlled relative to
modeling and data assumptions, design constraints, sizing and timing conditions,
and input/output parameters.
Review a development project for safety analysis or design software. Explain
how the problem being addressed by the software was translated into functional
requirements, how the requirements were established and controlled, and how
the code was reconciled with the original problem.
Software Engineering, Development, and Maintenance
Safety Software Quality Assurance personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the safety software life cycle processes described in IEEE 1074,
IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle Processes.
Supporting Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Discuss the software life cycle processes such as the waterfall, modified
waterfall, and spiral models.
Describe each phase of a typical software life cycle model such as the one
described in IEEE 1074, IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle
Processes. Explain the roles of quality assurance and configuration
management in each phase.
Identify the types of audits and products associated with each life cycle process.
Safety Software Quality Assurance personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the safety software requirements specification concepts such as
those described in ANSI/IEEE 830, IEEE Guide to Software Requirements
Specifications and Section 3 of NUREG/CR-6263, High Integrity Software for
Nuclear Power Plants.
Supporting Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Explain how software requirements specifications (SRS) are developed and
used. Include in your explanation the essential role of SRS in the overall
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