| DOE-STD-1172-2003
Development environment
Target environments and reusable components
Data structure
Logic structure
Embedded comments
Discuss the following documents and describe how each supports safety
software coding:
Design Specifications
Program Specifications
Programming Standards
System Design Document
Programmers Manual
Users Manual
Safety Software Quality Assurance personnel shall demonstrate a working level
knowledge of the software verification and validation processes that ensure that
the requirements specification, design, and coding of software adequately fulfill
all intended safety functions. These processes are described in standards such
as ANSI/IEEE 829, IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation, ANSI/IEEE
1008, IEEE Standard for Software Testing, ANSI/IEEE 1012, IEEE Standard for
Software Verification and Validation Plans, and Sections 6 8 of NUREG/CR-6263,
High Integrity Software for Nuclear Power Plants.
Supporting Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Describe the following processes and documents as they relate to safety
software quality:
Verification of requirements
Verification of design
Verification of source code
Unit testing
Integration and system testing
Verification and validation plan
Verification and validation reports
Verification and validation of tools
Distinction between verification and validation activities
Independent verification and validation
Describe methods for reviewing a verification and validation program.
Explain the differences in the verification and validation processes between
custom and COTS safety software.
Explain the differences in the verification and validation processes between
safety system software and firmware vs. safety analysis and design software.
Describe the controls used to assure that calculations performed using
spreadsheets and other calculation programs are accurate. Identify the records
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