| ![]() DOE-STD-1178-2004
management (ISM).
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the overall objective of the Department-wide Functions and
Responsibilities Manual and the similar lower-tier organization-level manuals
developed by Headquarters Offices and Field Elements.
Explain the objective of integrated safety management.
Describe how the seven Guiding Principles in the Integrated Safety Management
Plan are used to implement an integrated safety management philosophy.
Describe the five core safety management functions in the Integrated Safety
Management Plan and discuss how they provide the necessary structure for work
Identify and discuss existing Department programs and initiatives that lead to
successful implementation of integrated safety management such as:
Standards/Requirements Identification Documents (S/RIDs) and Work Smart
Contract reform and performance-based contracting;
Research and development laboratory activities related to safety management;
Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR);
Nuclear Explosive Safety and Surety Program;
Voluntary protection;
ISO 14000; and
Environmental laws and regulations.
Discuss the purpose, content, and application of DOE Policy 450.4, Safety
Management System Policy.
Explain the basis upon which the safety management functions could differ from
facility to facility, and the basis to be used for applying ISM on a graded approach.
Discuss the underlying safety management issues affecting the design,
construction, operation, and maintenance of the Department's facilities, activities,
and assets.
A Technical Program Manager shall have a working level knowledge of nuclear
safety management standards and documentation including their application.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the purpose, content, and philosophy, as appropriate to the position, of the
following safety management standards for nuclear facility safety authorization
DOE Guide 424.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use In Addressing Unreviewed
Safety Question Requirements;
DOE Order 420.1A, Facility Safety;
DOE Order 425.1C, Startup and Restart of Nuclear Facilities;
DOE-STD-1027-92, Guidance on Preliminary Hazard Classification and
Accident Analysis Techniques for Compliance with DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear
Safety Analysis Reports;
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