| DOE-S T D-1180-2004
b. Describe the general safety precautions to be taken during the handling, storage, and
disposal of corrosives.
c. Discuss the general safety precautions to be taken during the use, handling, and
d. Discuss the safety precautions for working with cryogenic liquids.
e. Explain the difference between an inflammable material and a combustible material.
Describe the general safety precautions to be taken during the use, handling, and
storage of inflammable and combustible materials.
g. Describe the information on a material safety data sheet (MSDS) and discuss the
uses for material safety data sheets on a construction project.
Construction Management personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level
knowledge of the basic principles and concepts of geoscience as applied to soil,
erosion, foundations, and earth embankments.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Identify and describe examples of shallow and deep foundations.
b. Discuss the basic elements of embankment design.
c. Define erosion and describe the characteristics and effects of water and wind erosion.
d. Describe the types of tests used to determine the strength and dynamic properties of
e. Describe the unified soil classification system.
Discuss the applicability of active, passive, and at-rest pressures to earth retaining
Construction Management personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level
knowledge of the basic concepts of hydrology.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Define hydrology as it applies to construction management and engineering.
b. Describe the flow of subsurface groundwater.
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