| DOE-STD-1183-2004
Discuss why the application of the graded approach does not apply to the USQ process.
m. Review a USQ Determination including walking down the proposed change/potential
24. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the
functional interfaces between safety system software components and the system-
level design.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Identify how system-level requirements are established and then assigned to hardware,
software, and human components of a digital instrumentation and control system.
b. Identify the typical requirements that define functional interfaces between safety system
software components and the system-level design, as described in standards such as
ANSI/IEEE 830, IEEE Guide to Software Requirements Specifications and IEEE 7-4.3.2,
Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating
Stations. Identify where this information is documented.
c. Identify the specific records that must be maintained and the requirements for maintaining
these records to document the development of safety system software.
d. Review a development project for safety system software. Explain how the functional
interfaces between components and the system level design were established and
25. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the
relationships between the problems being addressed by safety analysis and design
codes, the design requirements for the codes, and the components of the codes.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Identify how functional requirements and applicability of safety analysis and design
computer codes are defined, documented, and controlled relative to modeling and data
assumptions, design constraints, sizing and timing conditions and input/output parameters.
b. Review a development project for safety analysis or design software. Explain how the
problem being addressed by the software was translated into functional requirements, how
the requirements were established and controlled, and how the code was reconciled with
the original problem.
c. Discuss the DOE toolbox codes (reference http://tis.eh.doe.gov/techstds/
toolbox_codes.html), their strengths, weaknesses and other factors governing their
appropriate use and the applicable DOE standards and guides for modeling their
26. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of
Department of Energy (DOE) Policy 450.4, Safety Management System Policy and
Policy 450.5, Line Environment, Safety and Health Oversight as applied to nuclear
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the fundamentals of Integrated Safety Management and direct application to
nuclear safety.
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