| ![]() DOE-STD-1183-2004
31. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of NSTP-
2003-1 that describes the relationship between human factors/human performance
and institutional programs that support the safety analysis.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Identify and discuss aspects of person-machine interface that can degrade or enhance the
safety performance of personnel.
b. Identify and discuss how written procedures are conducive to reliable or unreliable
performance of activities important to safety.
c. Identify and discuss how personnel training programs can be conducive to safety or prone
to error.
d. Identify and discuss how staffing and qualification of operational personnel are conducive
to safe versus unsafe operations.
e. Identify and discuss the influence of management and organizational factors upon safety of
Identify and discuss the methods used to estimate the probability of significant mistakes
made by personnel and the relationship to probabilistic risk assessment.
g. Identify and discuss the methods for assessing the reliability of administrative controls
contained in TSRs and facility programs.
Management, Assessment and Oversight
32. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of
assessment techniques (such as the planning and use of observations, interviews,
and document reviews) to assess facility performance, report results of
assessments, and follow up on actions taken as the result of assessments.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the role of nuclear safety specialists in the assessment of Government Owned
Contractor Operated (GOCO) facilities.
b. Describe the assessment requirements and limitations associated with the interface with
contractor employees.
c. Discuss the essential elements of a performance-based assessment including:
Fact finding
Exit interview
d. Describe the following assessment methods and the advantages or limitations of each
Document review
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