| DOE-STD-1183-2004
DOE-STD-3011, Guidance for Preparation of Basis for Interim Operation (BIO)
Documents DOE-STD-3014, Accident Analysis for Aircraft Crash into Hazardous
US NRC Guide 1.70, Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports of
Nuclear Power Plants
29 CFR 1910.120, Safety and Health Programs, Work Plans, Health and Safety Plan
DOE-STD-1163, Integration of Multiple Hazard Analysis Requirements and Activities
DOE-STD-3016, Hazards Analysis Reports for Nuclear Explosive Operations
DOE Order 460.1B, Packaging and Transportation Safety
DOE Guide 460.1-1, Implementation Guide for Use with DOE Order 460.1A,
Packaging and Transportation Safety
DOE Order 461.1, Packaging and Transportation of Materials of National Security
DOE Manual 461.1-1, Packaging and Transfer of Materials of National Se curity
Interest Manual
Secretary of Energy Notice (SEN) SEN-35-91, Nuclear Safety Policy
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the contents, requirements, and relationship between the above Technical
Standards, and Secretary of Energy Notice.
b. Describe the role of nuclear safety specialists with respect to the requirements in these
Orders, Standards, and Secretary of Energy Notice.
c. Determine whether aircraft crashes pose an acceptable or unacceptable hazard to safety of
nuclear facilities.
d. Discuss the phenomena of aircraft crashes as a mechanism for releasing toxic materials.
e. Discuss the phenomena to which packaging is designed to withstand transportation
accidents and the relationship to accident severity.
29. Nuclear safety specialists shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the
Price -Anderson Amendments Act of 1988 and its relationship to Subparts A and B of
10 CFR 830.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Describe the purpose and scope of the Price-Anderson Amendment Act.
b. Discuss the Act's applicability to the Department's nuclear safety activities.
c. Describe the indemnity that DOE offers to contractors.
d. Discuss the requirements associated with the topics below, as they are affected by Rule-
making aspect of the Price-Anderson Amendment Act:
Quality Assurance Requirements
Safety Basis Requirements
e. Discuss the role of Department nuclear safety specialists with respect to implementing the
requirements of the Price-Anderson Amendment Act.
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