| ![]() DOE-STD-1183-2004
Requirements and DOE Guide 423.1-1, with respect to its impact on Department
nuclear safety.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
a. Discuss the purpose of Technical Safety Requirements.
b. Describe the responsibilities of contractors authorized to operate defense nuclear facilities
for Technical Safety Requirements.
c. Define the following terms and discuss the purpose of each:
Safety Limit
Operating Limits
Limiting Control Settings
Limiting Conditions for Operation
Surveillance Requirements
Administrative Controls
d. Discuss the margin of safety in a TSR.
e. Describe the general content of each of the followi ng sections of the Technical Safety
Use and Application
Design Features
Discuss the definition and implementation principles for the term OPERABILITY as used in a
Technical Safety Requirement.
g. Discuss the relationship of functional requirements and performance criteria to the
Technical Safety Requirements.
h. Discuss the conditions that constitute a violation of the Technical Safety Requirements and
state the reporting requirements should a violation occur.
Discuss the requirements for administrative control of the Technical Safety Requirements.
Discuss the possible source documents that may be used in developing Technical Safety
Requirements. Discuss the role of Documented Safety Analyses in selecting Technical
Safety Requirements and the respective flowdown.
k. Differentiate between the following facility designations:
Category A reactor facility
Category B reactor facility
Discuss the requirements for emergency actions that depart from the approved Technical
Safety Requirements.
m. Discuss the provisions a contractor may follow to develop alternatives to Technical Safety
Requirements for environmental restoration activities.
n. Discuss the requirements for the contractor to maintain the Technical Sa fety Requirements
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